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Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9781803290096
  • Pub Date 01/01/2023
This book is the seventh in Paul Hattaway's series The China Chronicles. In the series, he draws on more than thirty-five years of experience in China and numerous interviews with church leaders to provide insight into the extraordinary explosion...
This book is the seventh in Paul Hattaway's series The China Chronicles. In the series, he draws on more than thirty-five years of experience in China and numerous interviews with church leaders to provide insight into the extraordinary explosion of Christianity throughout China in recent decades, the largest revival in the history of Christianity.

Shaanxi is the cradle of Chinese civilization, where the compass, paper, printing, and gunpowder were invented. It was the southern terminus of the ancient Silk Road, and the first place in China to receive the gospel. Hattaway shows that Christians were in China centuries before the assumed earliest date of AD 635. During the missionary era there was slow growth, but today Shaanxi is home to more than three million followers of Christ. As storm clouds of persecution gather worldwide, believers can find encouragement in these bold testimonies of standing up for Christ in the face of severe hardship.

Hattaway here delights in the wonderful things God has done for (often unlikely) people and the dedication that flowed from their transformed lives..

Publisher: Piquant Editions (21 April 2023)
Language: English
Paperback: 288 pages