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Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9780310248293
  • Pub Date 01/06/2002
The tortured face of a young killer, one of seven boys on trial for a brutal murder, started country preacher David Wilkerson on his lonely crusade to the most dangerous streets in the world.....

This book was recommended by Lindsay Bruce as part of the ‘50 Years- 50 People- 50 Books!’ series. Here is their full message and recommendation:

When were you involved in GLO and in what role?

‘I have been coming to the GLO Centre in Motherwell since I was in primary school. As a young adult I got a Saturday job in the coffee shop and went on GLO missions to Romania. Later, when I wrote my own book, I launched it in partnership with GLO. Over the years the role GLO has played in my life has been significant. From Colossians 3:23 on the coffee shop wall reminding us who and why we serve, to hearing a visiting missionary challenging us to 'do everything we can for the Lord unrewarded', I can't downplay how much being in that environment set me on a path to ministry and lifelong service.’

Why have you recommended this book?

‘Less than 24 hours after becoming a Christian my new RE teacher made us watch a movie: it was the Cross and the Switchblade. I then bought a copy from the Glo bookshop and have read it and re-read it every year since.

David's story reminds me that the Lord can call - and does call - any of us to do the most extraordinary things. It serves as a jolt every year to never lose faith in the Lord's ability to save those we can write off as beyond redemption and that our small acts of obedience now can have lifelong, live-changing implications. I knew from the first time I read it and heard this story that I would be someone who tells people the Good News. Super grateful for this book. I now have it on Kindle as I wore out previous copies.’

With great thanks for this recommendation for the ‘50 Years- 50 People- 50 Books!’ series

This book was recommended by Jenny Smith as part of the 50 years- 50 people- 50 books! series. Here is Jenny's full message and recommendation:

When you were involved in GLO and in what role?

‘25 years ago, my husband and I answered God’s call on our lives into mission. After completing the GLO Training for Service course I spent 20 years working in the admin department administrating the GLO teams, organising the mailings, hiring the centre facilities and developing the GLO websites. Alongside this we maintain our involvement with the country of Albania, visiting to support the church in Vlore and the Hiding Place children’s home in Gjirokastër.’

Why have you recommended 'The Cross and the Switchblade'?

‘One of the first Christian books I read as a young teenager was ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ by David Wilkerson. David follows God’s call to go to New York and preach to street gangs. In the beginning he is obedient but terrified and the result is the salvation of many and birth of a ministry that is now worldwide. What struck me when I read the book was that although this man was at times terrified, he did it anyway, knowing the Lord was with him. This was God’s challenge to me to be open to seeking out God’s plan for my life and being willing to follow wherever He may lead.’

With great thanks to Jenny for her recommendation for the 50 years- 50 people- 50 books! series

The tortured face of a young killer, one of seven boys on trial for a brutal murder, started country preacher David Wilkerson on his lonely crusade to the most dangerous streets in the world.

Violent gangs ruled by warlords, drug pushers and pimps held the streets of New York’s ghettoes in an iron grip. It was into this world that David Wilkerson stepped, armed only with the simple message of God’s love and the promise of the Holy Spirit’s power.

Then the miracles began to happen!

'The Cross and the Switchblade' is one of the most inspiring and challenging true stories of all time. It has sold millions of copies throughout the world and has been made into a feature film.

Paperback: 224 pages