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Availability: In Stock
  • ISBN 9781908317933
  • Pub Date 15/06/2012
This nine-study guide takes you on a rapid tour of the whole story of the Bible, from creation to new creation. You'll see the promises God has made through history, how each one is fulfilled in His Son, Jesus the promised Christ - and what that...
This nine-study guide takes you on a rapid tour of the whole story of the Bible, from creation to new creation.

You'll see the promises God has made through history, how each one is fulfilled in His Son, Jesus the promised Christ - and what that means for your life and future.

Meet the promise-making God as you travel through history, and see how He keeps all His promises in Christ.

One Saturday, less than a decade after the end of Jesus of Nazareth’s life, a man named Paul stood up in a Jewish synagogue with a mind-blowing message.

'We tell you the good news,' he said. 'What God promised our fathers, he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus' (Acts 13 v 33-34).
In many ways, in these two sentences Paul was summing up the story of the whole of the Bible.

God is a promise-making God. Throughout history, He has made huge, extravagant, wonderful promises to humanity. Crucially, God is also a promise-keeping God. What He says, He does. And at a particular point in history, He fulfilled all of His promises in the life, death, resurrection and rule of one human-Jesus, a carpenter from a small Jewish town. The good news is that God's promises are promises kept.

This Good Book Guide will take you on a rapid tour of the whole story of the Bible. Over nine sessions, you’ll travel from the beginning of the past, through our present, to the future. Each session you'll discover one of God's wonderful promises, and see how He kept it in Jesus.

It’s a whirlwind tour. It’s a breathtaking tour. And it’s a tour we’re part of...

Table of contents
Why study Promises Kept?
1. A very good world - Genesis 1
2. Broken by rebellion - Genesis 3
3. Covenant promises - Genesis 12
4. Delivered from judgment - Exodus 12
5. Everlasting King - Judges 2, 2 Samuel 7
6. Future beyond judgment - Amos 8 - 9
7. God in His world - Luke 9, 24
8. Hear the message! - Acts 1 - 2
9. In a perfect world - Revelation 21 - 22
Leader's Guide

Dimensions 140mm x 210mm

Paperback 112 pages