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MEN & WOMEN IN CHRIST: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts HB

  • ISBN 9781783599172
  • Pub Date 01/01/2019
Publisher IVP BOOKS
The debate about men and women in the church and in marriage continues to cause division among Christians. Most books on this issue are written from a firmly partisan point of view – complementarian or egalitarian. This one is unique...

Stephen McQuoid's Recommendation

One of the abiding theological debates within the Christian community has been the one between complementarians and egalitarians. I have increasingly been uneasy about both positions, especially in their most extreme expressions. Consequently, I enjoyed reading Men and Women in Christ by Andrew Bartlett who is also non-committal about either position. In this book Bartlett does an in-depth analysis and exposition of the key passages on the issue of women’s ministry, these include Genesis 1-3, 1 Corinthians 7, 11 and 14, Colossians 3, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter and 1 Timothy 2 & 3. His treatment of these passages is fresh, detailed and well-reasoned. Despite the authors detailed approach and the depth of his material, I found the book highly readable as well as deeply absorbing and enlightening.

I would not agree with every conclusion that Bartlett comes to. For example, he is warmly disposed to Gordon Fee’s notion that some of the verses from 1 Corinthians 14 are not part of the original canon, which I am not, though I do think the argument has at least some mileage. That said, I found his arguments very persuasive and reasonable, and this is certainly the most helpful book I have read of the subject for a very long time. If you read with an open mind, it will certainly inform.
Recommended by Stephen in June 2024

The debate about men and women in the church and in marriage continues to cause division among Christians. Most books on this issue are written from a firmly partisan point of view – complementarian or egalitarian. This one is unique.

Andrew Bartlett draws on his theological learning and his skills as a judge and arbitrator to offer an even-handed assessment of the debate. His analysis is thorough but accessible. He engages with advocates of each view and all the key biblical texts, weighing the available evidence and offering fresh insights. He invites the reader to move beyond complementarian and egalitarian labels and seeks progress towards healing the division.

Publisher: IVP (21 Mar. 2019)
Language: English
Hardcover: 464 pages